July 2022

Change is a constant in life and situations, needs and reliance on money evolves over time. In the past couple of years we have had to cope with the unexpected in many ways. It has taught us that we are adaptable, resilient, robust and that it pays to have a sound financial plan. Sticking to a plan and seeking advice is always important, but in volatile times, when surrounding noise seems to get louder and louder, it is crucial.

The role of a good adviser is not to predict the path of financial markets, provide trading wins or to be a stock picker, says Craigs Investment Partners adviser Mark Butterworth.

Our specialty is putting together tailored portfolios designed around your needs, objectives and risk appetite. It is about constructing your portfolio in a way that grows and manages your wealth and is sturdy enough to withstand different market conditions so you can sleep at night and focus on other things in life. “As investment advisers we act as gatekeepers to short-term reactions to help you stay on course and keep your investment portfolio aligned with your plan, regardless of what is going on around you.

Craigs Investment Partners is one of New Zealand’s largest investment advisory firms with over 180 investment advisers across 19 branches. The New Plymouth branch has nine qualified local investment advisers who are supported by six private wealth assistants. The investment advice Craigs provides is underpinned by in-depth analysis from one of the largest research teams in New Zealand.

Throughout what has been a challenging period for community organisations, our branch has proudly continued to support a wide range of organisations in the arts, sports, education and the community. This includes the 50km a day challenge we completed in March for the Taranaki Rescue helicopter.It's a crucial part of our communities; we all know someone that has needed their help. Craigs raised over $34,000 towards local helicopter trusts nationwide - a great result.” says Craigs Investment Partners adviser Sam Fastier.

The New Plymouth branch is also a very proud supporter of the Taranaki Foundation as well as numerous sporting and cultural organisations throughout the region.

The team has also played an influential role with the Taranaki Kiwi Trust, regularly monitoring traps in the Pouakai Ranges, with the objective of eradicating invasive species.

New Plymouth Branch: Back row (L-R): Mark Butterworth, Sinead Fraser, Shelley Voullaire, Matthew Lee, Sam Fastier, Phil Armstrong, Hereward Basher, Andrew Butterworth, Antoinette Hight. Front row (L-R): Leonie Stone, Renee Cadenhead, Marlies Butland Delfos, Gayleen Innes, Sharyn Clarry, Nadia Hill, Christine Egarr

The New Plymouth branch is looking forward to hosting Craigs’ national roadshow ‘State of the Nation’ by Mark Lister, Head of Private Wealth Research on 3 August. Mark will share his thoughts on the latest market developments and how this could impact investors.

This is the first one in New Plymouth after two years of Covid restrictions and this year Mark will be joined by our CEO Simon Tong.

Now is a great time to use the New Plymouth team’s knowledge and expertise to help navigate the current volatility and to build a plan to achieve your investment goals. It all starts with a conversation so get in touch with us today.

Contact Craigs Investment Partners on 06 759 0015 or call into the office at 9 Young Street, New Plymouth.

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